奔达模具在上世纪九十年代成立,原本制造陶瓷模具,在2003年根据市场需求开始专注制造混凝土砌块地砖模具,是国内最早此领域专业模具制造商。公司产品涉及市政园林、水利护岸、房建道路、特色小镇、仿石仿古等众多领域。公司以其强大的技术设计开发能力得到了广大用户的高度信赖和大力支持,不断发展壮大。通过多年技术创新和新材料的结合应用,使得我们的产品于行业。模具材料选用定轧特种钢,经过数控切割、精密机械加工,采用目前国际热处理工艺,渗碳层达1.5-2mm,大大增加了模具的耐磨性能和稳定性。LocationOur headoffice, situated in Tianjin, a big Traditional industrial city in north of China, and one and a half drive from the capital Beijing. ExperienceAre you looking for an experienced supplier of concrete moulds?Broater-benda, A reliable company that has consciously working in this field for over 25 years. this has led us to shaping all your wishes into solutions.QualityAnd high skilled handcraft and CNC machine guarantees us high quality mould, combined with precision and durability. Our moulds fits a broad range of block making machine, whatever table-vibration system and mould-vibration system include Masa, Hess, Zenith, Omag, Henke, and Besser, Tiger, and so on.ServiceOur dedicated team is at your service. The added value not olly befefit from our expert knowledge, but alos have a competitive advantage in the market by profiting from our already approved solutions.ReputationWe always keep working for better processes, more efficient structures and increasing quality at all levels. With this, Broater-benda moulds get more and more customers, trust From 2014, we proudly to be main mould supplier for over 50% high-end Chinese customers. 展开